2 Million visitors for The New Federalist!

, by TNF Editorial Board

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2 Million visitors for The New Federalist!

Saturday 6th of June 2009, a day before the European elections, The New Federalist has reached 2 million visits since its creation.

Launched after the French and Dutch “no” to the Constitutional Treaty in 2005, this symbolic threshold is a great achievement for this magazine entirely fuelled by young volunteers coming from all over Europe.

The New Federalist and its team of young Europeans includes 4 linguistic versions (English, Italian, German and French) and delivers an inventive and activist analysis of European affairs. Since 2005, the magazine issued 3.000 articles, 1.500 short-news and received over 67.000 comments, sign that The New Federalist is a place of an ongoing democratic and vivid debate. The Italian, German and English editions issue several articles per week, the French edition one every day. This collective experience brings to our readers a multicultural approach to the European topics.

After all the efforts made since 2005, The New Federalist has become a prominent source for analysis and comments on the European affairs, gathering 90.000 unique-visitors every month. The 2 million visitors confirm the magazine’s top-ranking, as shown in the European Web Map study from Touteleurope.fr.

A federalist point of view? It works !

The New Federalist aims at understanding what is at stake in Europe today, and what will be tomorrow. If facts and pedagogy are central in our articles, the ability to express an independent point of view remains the first expectation from our readership. The magazine claims its pro-European and federalist identity and will continue to look at European issues with this identity, in opposition with the recurrent national approach.

Our ever-increasing audience is the proof that talking about Europe and politics as we do reaches a real demand of debate and information. This success also strengthens our belief in the key role of internet to catch up with the lack of European public space.

The Editorial Board of The New Federalist is very proud of this success and thanks all of your for your fidelity!

Image: Logo of Le Taurillon.

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