More democracy at European level is needed to face the crisis: a European federation starting from the Eurozone Countries!

Press Release of JEF-Italy

, by Gioventù Federalista Europea

All the versions of this article: [English] [italiano]

More democracy at European level is needed to face the crisis: a European federation starting from the Eurozone Countries!
The Euro Credit © European Union, 2011

The umpteenth breakdown of the stock markets shows again two uncomfortable truths. The first is that the crisis is far from being resolved. Without a clear European project that combines recovery and austerity with a plan for employment and economic development in the long term there is no scope to restore the credibility of the euro zone.

The second truth is that effective measures can never be adopted and implemented without untying the knot of democratic legitimacy (at all levels) of decisions to be taken. The measures necessary to the EU to tackle the crisis cannot be imposed by some governments and national parliaments on other countries (outlining, in fact, a situation in which some democracies are more “important” than others) and, when taken, these shouldn’t be challenged by national or populist decisions.

It’s urgent a new strong political initiative which starts from the Euro countries and throws the groundwork for the creation of the European federation trough a democratic constituen process, to show the European citizens and the rest of the world that relaunching the European political project is possible and there is the will to follow a democratic and supranational way out from the crisis.

Federico Butti - President of Jef Italy

Simone Vannuccini - Secretary General of Jef Italy

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