Studies Economics and Politics at Queen Mary University of London. Native Italian but has also studied in Australia and Hong Kong. He is a JEF member and passionate European federalist.
Exactly seven years ago, the fall of Lehman Brothers started a crisis Europe has still to overcome. Meanwhile, China has kept growing regardless at spectacular rates. Yet the sudden devaluation of the Yuan and the Shanghai’s stockmarket turmoil signal troubles ahead for the world’s second (…)
lundi 28 septembre 2015
Many expect Syriza’s victory in the Greek elections last month to finally bring an end to austerity within the Eurozone. Yet many factors suggest that this is highly unlikely. Many expect Syriza’s victory in the Greek elections last month to finally bring an end to austerity within the (…)
mardi 10 février 2015
Les Jeunes Européens - FranceL’Arsenal 6, 76bis rue de Rennes75006 Paris - France