JEF Europe launches United in Inclusion campaign for disability inclusion

, by JEF Europe

JEF Europe launches United in Inclusion campaign for disability inclusion

Brussels, 24 April 2023

Europe is not united unless everyone in society is included. JEF Europe campaigns for a democratic European federation which effectively guarantees civic and social rights for all.

From 24 to 30 April, the United in Inclusion campaign week of JEF Europe points attention to disability inclusion in Europe. While raising discussion on disability rights in Europe, the campaign also encourages JEF sections to reflect on inclusivity in their own activities.

“In one year from now, the European elections will herald an EU-wide democratic exercise. As we speak of youth participation in European democracy, we should look beyond the headlines: young people with disabilities should be empowered to bring their voices to the debates, and participate in decision-making”, said Juuso Järviniemi, Vice-President of JEF Europe.

The United in Inclusion campaign builds on JEF Europe’s IMPACT project, which has since 2022 trained youth activists to act as multipliers for inclusive political campaigning in their communities. Moreover, it builds on the consistent work of JEF Europe’s Task Force on Empowerment & Diversity, and on national sections’ initiatives such as the AccessiblEU project led by JEF-France.

Throughout the week, JEF Europe will publish materials to inspire young people to reflect on how to build a more inclusive society and JEF. Among other activities, on the 25th of April, the inaugural session of the JEF Europe Book Club (run under the umbrella of JEF’s Federalist Academy) will focus on research on the emergence of the rights-based approach in disability policy from the viewpoint of federalism studies.

“While the campaign week is limited in time, the inclusive mindset has to persist throughout the year. The tools and ideas presented during the campaign will serve JEF sections in their future activities, including the European elections campaign that will be launched this May”, Juuso Järviniemi concluded.

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