The UK and EU’s new Northern Ireland deal : what is the ‘Windsor Agreement’ ? - commentaires The UK and EU's new Northern Ireland deal : what is the ‘Windsor Agreement' ? 2023-03-07T17:10:58Z 2023-03-07T17:10:58Z <p>The Brake is not a brake it is EU smoke screen claiming lies. Now let us look at it first it must be proven to damage all of Northern Ireland. For those in the EU there will always be those who claim good has come from any EU rule. At this point it will only delay a rule as the EU never intend it to stop anything. next it will go to a panel for a ruling. Then it will either be forced on the peoples of NI or sent back to the EU for rewriting after which if will become law.. A useless brake. The Only way the EU laws an rules can apply in Northern Ireland is with consent. That means the EU can not be allowed to break the GFA rules. All laws in Northern Ireland must be passed by our government on a cross party basis. The EU has done more harm to cross community relations in 2 years than any of NIs armed groups. We have to ask why the EU seem hell bent on starting a new war here.</p>