EU 2020 without Youth ? - commentaires EU 2020 without Youth ? 2013-04-20T07:31:15Z 2013-04-20T07:31:15Z <p>Get Custom Written Research Essays Papers, Custom Research Papers, Term Papers, Dissertation Writing and Thesis by trained Writers at very Reasonable prices from the best custom term paper writing service in UK. There is no registration required and all you have to do is send us an email with all the details of paper.</p> EU 2020 without Youth ? 2010-04-16T11:18:30Z 2010-04-16T11:18:30Z <p>I absolutely agree, word for word, which is expressed in this post, and I'm glad there are young people who think like me !</p> <p>Unfortunately young people participating in youth associations at European level and we know deeply the subject, we know that youth, at least for the moment and it seems manifest, is not a gamble really key and important as it should be.</p> <p>We must not forget (and neither should forget our political leaders) that youth, that young people are the future of the world, we are the leaders of tomorrow, and therefore we should have much more into account in decisions that tomorrow. Not only youth policy (that of course, but now it seems the opposite), but in many more issues : <i>health, environment, employment, education (this latter very important), cooperation, inter cultural dialogue , media </i> ... in any of this is virtually ignores us.</p> <p>There should be some system of direct and reciprocal cooperation of young people with the EU, youth delegates in many of the DG of the Commission, a real Group (and not an Intergroup) in the EP .. and why not, a Commissioner of Youth policies (yes, only Youth Affairs).</p> <p>I'm pretty optimistic about the work done by the Commissioner Vassiliou (not have to do a lot of merit to overcome the “special interest” in the youth of his predecessor Mr. Figél..), but I understand that education, culture, youth, and Multilingualism are too many tasks for one person, for one Commissioner. But the fault is not only the EU and its disastrous policies regarding youth, we too should accept our share of the blame. We should give more importance to local and regional policies on youth, because they are the most direct and reach younger members and whether or not known or not the various policies and strategies of the EU for young people.</p> <p>We have an amazing platform for representation and lobbying that is the YFJ (the European Youth Forum), but it only accepts as members of national youth councils and associations, but these associations must have the immense quantity of at least 5,000 members in 10 countries ... too much in my opinion.</p> <p>Still, if other associations that doesn't meet those strong requirements, and are then represented by our National Youth Council, we find the same requirements or harder to be part of them, because to be part of, for example, the Spanish National Youth Council (CJE) your association must have at least 5000(!!!) members at least in 5 of the 17 regions that exist in Spain ... a form of representation somewhat curious.</p> <p>In short, the EU and the governments of individual Member States should pay much more attention and advocate a greater role for youth people and youth policies. And we, the young, perhaps we should rethink the ways of participation, sometimes too complex and inaccesible for medium or small associations in some european or international events or conferences, and in big platforms, and to demand greater participation in decisions of our governments, of our nationals and internationals platforms, greater involvement, a mutual and permanent contact and feedback with the youth associations, platforms, and representatives.</p> <p>The future of youth can not be decided without young people !</p> <p>Thank you very much and sorry for this loooong answer.</p>