Why is European integration so unpopular ? - commentaires Why is European integration so unpopular ? 2010-11-24T12:09:51Z https://www.taurillon.org/Why-is-European-integration-so-unpopular#comment8801 2010-11-24T12:09:51Z <p>Because they are false statements and, more important, not intriguing titles.</p> <p>P.</p> Why is European integration so unpopular ? 2010-11-23T11:13:23Z https://www.taurillon.org/Why-is-European-integration-so-unpopular#comment8791 2010-11-23T11:13:23Z <p>« The democratic deficit »</p> <p>Why don't you write a plain and simple : « The EU is not democratic. » Or, better : « The EU is not a Democracy ».</p> <p>You have a good question, but you can't answer it with an understatement.</p>