A European problem needs a European response - commentaires A European problem needs a European response 2013-07-28T13:59:18Z https://www.taurillon.org/a-european-problem-needs-a-european-response#comment18315 2013-07-28T13:59:18Z <p>Dear Alessio.</p> <p>Thank you very much for this article and your opinion in it.</p> <p>I absolutely agree with you. However I think besides the correct analysis your solution is a bit too simple and lacks a concrete call for action. I read by what you write that the solution for the current unemployment situation can only be found on the European level. This is right, but considering that the European level alone is not directly connected to the people who are in need of a solution, or better, solutions, this will at best only create a new framework of rules and regulations which the EU Council will not accept as binding laws for the fact that they will be connected to a call for a real investment ; which will not have the needed support of the next European Parliament since it will be too busy discussing the right of the EU to interfere in national politics as such. So I think what is also needed a communicated public demand for a solution on the European level. But this can only come from the local level which constitutes the public through its citizens. I therefore propose to add to your solution to add that the European level is the only solution we have, if it is recognized by the European citizens. Which means that the European citizens have to reconsider their role in the solution finding and decision making process ? I am the founder and organiser of the Rock the Union tour ; A 9 month long tour through all 28 European Union Member States, into the 123 cities. In the year of citizen ship and before the coming European Parliament elections in 2014 we want to show how we can empower ourselves to change Europe in order to have a better future. Our goal is to discuss, inform, debate and party with people all over the European Union in order to handover the demands, the ideas, the wishes of the people to the European Parliament and the European Commission on the first seating of the European Parliament after the elections and before the election of the President of the European Commission. Youth unemployment is an urgent issue for all of us, but there will not be a real solution if we do not start to take our part in solution and decision making process. I ask you to join our tour in the cities you like to discuss with the people who attend to our events the issue of who should be in charge and why.</p> <p>Hope to hear from you soon !</p> <p>Kind regards,</p> <p>Hans Mund</p>