The New Federalist in 2017

A word from the Editor-in-Chief

, by Thomas Grandjouan

The New Federalist in 2017
Some members of the new editorial board (from left to right): Matthias Meier, Anna Bonalume, Marc Nikolov, Cristina Saenz Perez, Eldin Buljubasic, Eléonore Garnier, Willem Van Boxtel, Juuso Järviniemi, Michal Jarski, Hélène Gire.

A new year brings a new committee. But not only. We have made big changes to the way The New Federalist is going about its business. From having one chief editor and a content manager we now have a 16-person committee filled with capable editors from across Europe. Our new committee structure is balanced around a thematic focus (federalist thinking, economics, energy, and more) and a regional focus role covering one or several countries within the JEF network. Each editor is responsible for a region based on their experience, language ability and personal interests.

For more information about the committee’s members and their contact details, see here:

The aim of this dual regional and thematic role is to ensure the New Federalist covers a wider geographic area without losing any of its good content. As JEF’s official web magazine, we create a space to discuss what it means to be pro-european at a turning point in the EU’s history while probing and sketching a vision for its future.

How does the EU reform without shutting itself off from its citizens ? Is a federal solution the best solution to the crisis ? If so, how do we get there, if not, what do we want in its place ? These are all questions that need answering. By working with our sister editions in german, french, italian and spanish we want to provide a young, and critical gaze to these problems.

In addition to our articles and interviews on EU current affairs, we will also be launching several projects in 2017. The Balkans Partnership, headed by Eléonore Garnier and Eldin Buljubasic, and the Baltics Partnership, headed by Anna Bonalume, are just two examples of the regional development we are carrying out to strengthen links with young news makers in different parts of Europe. Meanwhile, the Our Towns and Villages campaign will take our writers into suburbs, small towns and the countryside, using videos, photos and interviews to give a deeper look at what is happening inside our countries; to see how our fellow citizens are living the transition towards a deindustrialised age of information while also asking what the European Union means for them to better understand how it can better serve its citizens.

Our ambition for 2017 is to broaden our geographic coverage by pivoting eastwards. I want to see more articles coming from Poland, the Baltics, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and the Balkans. To make this possible we will create a new space on The New Federalist website, so that hopefully by April 2017 we can upload non-english articles that can then be translated from lithuanian, polish or serbo-croate into english, french, german and italian. And by August 2017, our plan is to see an active translation committee serving the needs of all five language editions, creating a truly multilingual, young federalist publication, all this on a new website to be launched within the next couple of weeks. So stay tuned !

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